The Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted) is an organisation set up by the government. Their job is to inspect schools (plus other organisations) to ensure that education for children is up to set standards. They are also responsible for ensuring that children are well looked after and kept safe whilst in school.

Our latest Ofsted report can be accessed here.

We are pleased to share that Nonsuch Primary School  is a ‘Good’ school.

The Quality of EducationGood
Behaviour and AttitudesGood
Personal DevelopmentGood
Leadership and ManagementGood
Early Years ProvisionGood

Ofsted said…

“Pupils are proud of their school. They behave well, are kind to one another and treat each other with respect.”

“This is a school where adults are determined that pupils will do well no matter their background.”

“Teachers are developing a sound knowledge of the subjects they teach and enjoy working at the school.”

“Leaders make sure that teachers are improving their skills all of the time. Pupils learn a lot during their time at Nonsuch Primary School as a result.”

“Pupils love telling people about what they have learned. For example, pupils told inspectors lots of details about the role of women over time from what they had studied in their history lessons.”

“Parents and carers appreciate what the school does for their children. They feel that the school is warm and friendly. Staff are always there to listen and help when there is a problem.”
