
At Nonsuch Primary School, we believe that education is important because it provides our children with the skills needed for life. In order to gain these skills, children need to attend school regularly and punctually – this is both for academic and social reasons.

We have an attendance officer, Jocelyn Harris, who works closely with our school community to support families in improving and maintaining good attendance. Jocelyn is dedicated to helping parents and carers address any challenges they may face in ensuring their children attend school regularly and on time.

School has a slow entry, and so we open our gates at 08:40am every morning.

The main gates shut at 8:50am.

Register is open to take from 08:50am – 9:00am

School finishes at 3:20pm.

As a school we will work closely with children, parents/carers and the local community to resolve attendance issues.

It is the responsibility of parents/carers to ensure that their child attends school on time, unless there is an authorised reason for their absence.

A number of incentives are in place to promote good attendance; these include:

  • Each week, children who achieve 100% attendance, receive 5 house points. At the end of the half term, the house with the most house points receive a treat of their choice, decided by the house and the house captain.
  • Weekly attendance assembly
  • Display board in the entrance to celebrate good attendance.
  • We  have a CSAWs attendance officer who works with our families.
  • We report on attendance on the weekly newsletter.

    The school’s current target for attendance is 96%.


Nonsuch Primary School follow DFE guidance on attendance and Birmingham County Council Policy on term time absence – School attendance and absence, advice for schools | Birmingham City Council

Fines have been issued to parents of Nonsuch pupils this year by the Local Authority. 

Please ensure your child attends school regularly and avoid taking leave in term-time unless there are exceptional circumstances. The new rules from September 2024 are below:

Attendance Picture For Parents